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98307556.19 USDFx Algo Trades was founded in 2012 by a group of CFDs Traders making us 12 years old as of 2024. The main aim of this platform was to Execute Trades Automatically with Minimum Risk and 100% Discipline.
95% of traders blow accounts not because they don’t know how to trade, but it’s not easy for them to stay disciplined.
A Good Trading Strategy is between 65 and 85% accurate, that means you can win between 65 and 85 trades out of 100, meaning that you can lose between 15 and 35 trades.
Company number
2012/43167Use ready-made investment schemes to receive guaranteed income.
The site is reliably protected by modern encryption methods from hacking and hacker attacks.
The amount of daily income depends on the size of the deposit. You can withdraw money at any time.
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